Monday, February 6, 2012

What are some cool card games that ya'll know.?

In skool all we do is play cards like 4 hours a day because we are done with our sols and we have to be in a class forever.

We are tired of:





(please don't say like war, goldfish,poker,or blackjack.)

Name some relly cool and fun card games that you have played and please explain.

Thankyou.What are some cool card games that ya'll know.?
These are two card games I like to play alot:

egyptian rat screw:鈥?/a>

it's a little confusing at first for some, but it's so much fun!


have fun!What are some cool card games that ya'll know.?
Theres a game called Asshole. Its a really fun game that you play with 5 or more ppl. basiccaly the first round there are no titles.After the first round depending on the order dat ppl deck out the line will be: President, vice president, middleman, dick and asshole.

the way the game works is that you shuffle the cards and distribute the cards equally among the 5 players. then whoever has the 3 of clubs goes first and places that card down. then he/she selects the order. you start puting crds down that are increasing in value. once noone can play anymore cards the pile is cleared and the last person that set da card that no one ould beat goes first. once a pile is cleared you could play doubles of a card. if you play a double then everyone else must play a double on their turn or they get skipped. the number 2 is the best card in the game because when u play a 2 you atomaticaly clear the pile and start a fresh one. if you play a card of the same type like a person plays a 5 and then u play a 5 then the person that comes after you is skipped. once the payers all run out of cards and the titles are given thenn the asshole gives his 2 best cards to the president and the presiden gives the asshole his 2 worst cards. the vice president and the dick do the sme but only swaping 1 card. then a new round starts. hope this helped you.What are some cool card games that ya'll know.?
egyptian rat screw is cool and so is euchre. its a team game, 2 teams with 2 players to a team. has to deal with trump, tricks, euchres, etc. pretty difficult to explain but if you want to know more email me.

you only play with the 9,10,j,q,k,and ace and the heart and spade 4 and 6.

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